The Zodiac and the Constellations (Article in Comments)

This is another video about the history of things. I know that a decent amount of people in the class are into astrology and know at least a basic knowledge. I thought it would be fun to share a video about the history of the Zodiac and how the Babylonians created it, and how the Greeks adopted the Babylonian Zodiac charts and then created and assigned new myths to the charts. I don’t know if it’s weird but hey here ya go.
To me, while I’m not a huge believer in astrology and the different aspects of it, I think that it is a unique way of reflecting on yourself and where you are at a specific point in your life. I think to me the more fascinating aspect is how so many people over thousands of years have recognized patterns in the stars and that they all assign meaning to the patterns they see and then use it in their art and expression.

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2 Responses to The Zodiac and the Constellations (Article in Comments)

  1. ghayes says:

    This is another video about the history of things. I know that a decent amount of people in the class are into astrology and know at least a basic knowledge. I thought it would be fun to share a video about the history of the Zodiac and how the Babylonians created it, and how the Greeks adopted the Babylonian Zodiac charts and then created and assigned new myths to the charts. I don’t know if it’s weird but hey here ya go.
    To me, while I’m not a huge believer in astrology and the different aspects of it, I think that it is a unique way of reflecting on yourself and where you are at a specific point in your life. I think to me the more fascinating aspect is how so many people over thousands of years have recognized patterns in the stars and that they all assign meaning to the patterns they see and then use it in their art and expression.

  2. scain says:

    I think the videos you posted about astrology were really interesting! I definitely think that astrology is a good way for me personally to reflect on my life and the world around me. I thought it was really cool to see how the charts actually came to be and how myths were assigned to them. I never knew much about that!

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