Wood: Red Wood State Park

In October, I went with my boyfriend’s family to California and we visited the Red Wood State Park. I saw the biggest trees I have ever seen. I thought it was interesting how the trees blocked most of the sunlight, so it even appeared to be darker during the daytime. Some trees were even so big that they made roads through them and you could drive through them. I found it to be crazy how in a state and area that has so many big cities and commercialized areas, they were able to protect the forest so people could appreciate its beauty.

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The Sun

As we already know, fire is one of the main elements.  It exists everywhere around us and is only present when there is a presence of oxygen.  Now when we were discussing space, a serious question popped into my mind…  How does the sun stay on fire when there is no oxygen in space?  Originally my mind was absolutely blown and I thought that everything I have ever learned about fire was false.  However, I turned to google to provide an answer.  It turns out that the sun doesn’t use oxygen to burn since it does not use any chemical combustions.  There is constant nuclear fusion going on within the sun, and bonds can be formed using substitutes.  This made me think though,  could the sun and stars be considered elements in itself?  Although they are a part of our solar system,  could it be considered an artificial fire since there is no oxygen?  It is essential a nuclear burning instead of fire burning.  This is just some interesting food for thought!!

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Light Pollution

Standing in the middle of Times Square for the first time (after seeing my first Broadway Show),  I easily lost track of time. It was around 9 or 10:00 at night, but it could easily be mistaken for the mid afternoon. Lights surrounded the buildings, surrounded the roads, and surrounded me. It was miraculous, seeing the power of light, but also very overwhelming. The sky was blurry, blanketed by the illusion of day.

There was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight around 8pm. It’s now almost 10:00 and I gave up watching. Where I live isn’t anything like Times Square, yet I still could not see a single meteor in the night sky. Even the brightness of the stars that are still visible is muted, thanks to light pollution from streetlights, buildings and more. Macauley states, “the sky appears less like an ornate vaulted dome where the stars blink and shine and more like a flattened electronic screen on which we project anthropogenic lights and advertisements” (p. 272).  Our technological advancements and industrialization has made the natural world look less like the natural world and more like a fake projection of nature on a electronic screen. What once held so much beauty and value is now worn out and not appreciated because of a mindless obsession with technology.

Before the pandemic hit I used to go to a place called Arrowhead Lake in Pennsylvania. I would live in a house by a lake and when I knew a meteor shower was predicted for a certain night, I would take my paddle board and paddle out to the middle of the lake, surrounded by all darkness except for the stars. I’d watch the stars and listen to the croaks of frogs and splashes of fish and rustling in the forest that surrounded me. With the pandemic it’s especially hard to take a deep breath. I crave the peace that I used to feel in these moments at the lake and know that as soon this pandemic is over I’ll travel back to this tranquil, device-less place with my family and appreciate it that much more.



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