Pre-Socratic Philosophers

I really enjoyed our discussion about the Pre-Socratic Philosophers! Something I found incredibly interesting is how Anaximenes viewed heat and cold as tools that allow for the modifications of the elements. On the other hand, Macauley classifies heat and cold to be elements in themselves. I’m not sure if this difference is responsible for the research that had not been done at the time of Anaximenes’ conclusions versus the research that had been done by the time Macauley wrote his book. Regardless, I found this contrast to be very interesting!

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Night might be my favorite of all the elements discussed! Not only does it bring about incredible mystery, but personally, it brings about possibility. I would most definitely consider myself to be a night owl rather than a morning person! No matter how hard I try to wake up at 7 AM and get into a sustainable routine, there’s something about staying up until ungodly hours of the night that my circadian rhythm cannot stay away from. I find myself to be most productive and motivated at night. Whether it be doing school work, cleaning, or getting a workout in, I constantly procrastinate until the night rolls around to effectively complete my tasks. Night provides a type of serenity, which entails warrants security, a type of security that daytime cannot comparably provide. I’m not sure why this is, but I do know that many others feel the same as I do, that night never fails to spark a freeing sensation!

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Light and Shadow

Light and shadow caught my attention in ways the other elements have not. To add to the idea of the domestication of the elements, shadow has not only been domesticated by humans but also represented in ways other elements have not. Like almost anything, the drawing of any object if is possible through the use of writing utensils. While one can draw the frozen form of water and depict the flames of a fire, “shadow” acts almost as a verb in the artistic world. While in art classes in high school, I was told constantly to shadow on my graphite projects. There were even special tools that helped for the blending of this shadowing process to ultimately depict shadow in its elemental form. This was an interesting idea to look at considering this is not a prominent concept concerning most elements, for example, how there is no such thing as ‘wooding’ or ‘stoning’ something, as most elements only exist as nouns, however, “shadow”, while being a ‘thing’, is also an action!

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