Art Exhibition- The domestication of the elements

Art Exhibition-Cicero (2)

This is my Art Exhibition on the change in representation of the elements throughout American Art History!





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The Domestication of the Elements

Since modern times we have struggled to master nature around us.  We pull strings.  Occasionally nature reminds us that our hold on her is tenuous at best: Superstorm Sandy on the East Coast of the United States, Katrina and the more recent hurricanes that savaged the gulf coast states, the fires out West,  and perhaps the typhoon that decimated the Philippines in November 2013, among many other reminders.  And yet, we continue to work towards creating nature 2.0; a better version of that which is on its own.  Of course, we have also transformed nature through our oft unintended carelessness, always assuming that Nature will pick up after us.

Here are some images mentioned in Macauley’s chapter seven.  Can you identify them?

c_hydroelectric_plant Columbia_River_Gorge-738628 Edgar-Degas-Bather-by-the-Water-Oil-Painting fallingwater-2 Fontana-del-Moro niagara3 Tivoli-organ-fountain-close-as-m5-as-m5 trevi_fountain_rome_italy-normal OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAingres-turkishbath

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Reading about Space made me think about how much I love astrology and zodiac signs!  I totally believe in horoscopes and that personalities can be rooted in the stars and based on birth times. I don’t know if anyone has ever heard of the app Co-Star, but it maps out your entire chart for you! All you have to do is enter in your birthday and birth time. You can also connect with your friends and read their charts as well! I have a Taurus sun, Pisces moon, and Scorpio rising.

Your sun is your core self, your moon is your emotional self, and your rising is how people perceive you. Since I am a Taurus sun, that means that I’m a homebody and that security is important to me. I’m also strong minded and at times stubborn. My Pisces moon shows that I am emotionally intuitive and compassionate. My Scorpio rising shows that I’m a determined person and can easily read between the lines and desire to be in control of certain situations.

When I read my chart I felt like I had learned so much about myself. It helped to explain how I respond to the world around me. I encourage everyone to make an account to understand themselves on a new level.

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