Category Archives: Environment


Hey you! Yes, you! Have you ever wanted to hear a classical piece dedicated to penguins?!?! Congratulations – today is your lucky day! Now you can fully embrace your inner businessgoose* with Herbert Howells’s Penguinski!!1!!!!! * In Mandarin, penguin – … Continue reading

Posted in Cold, Environment, ice, Music, snow, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Cliff Jump

The most beautiful nature experience I ever had was cliff jumping at fawns leap. It was the same area I saw the beast baby bear. The water was so fresh it seemed to be one of the only places with … Continue reading

Posted in Environment | 7 Comments

Plant and Nature Motifs in Cartoon Saloon Movies (Article in Comments)

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Posted in animals, Art, Earth, Environment, plant, sky, Water, wood | 3 Comments